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Cybersecurity Asset Management is a Vital Field

Cybersecurity asset management is a critical aspect of running a business in the modern world. Maintaining a real-time inventory of IT assets and associated security risks gives your security team access to the tools they need to create proactive, end-to-end, security strategy. RAVENii can help meet your organizational needs and help protect your data and reputation.

What is Asset Management?

Cybersecurity asset management is the process of identifying the IT assets your organization owns and the potential risks or gaps that could affect those assets. These assets come in many forms, from devices like PCs and servers, or software like a cloud-based databases or company-owned domains. Every device, resource, or service that exists in your IT environment is at risk of attack. An attacker can use compromised resource to launch a broader attack on your system.

Why is it Significant?

Effective cybersecurity asset management enables early detection of threats, through continuous monitoring of IT assets and potential risks. This proactive approach reduces response time in case of an attack and provides a clear understanding of the incident by providing a list of assets and risks involved.

Risks of Poor Asset Management

Neglecting asset management not only hampers security but also exposes the business to risks. Cyberattacks that lead to unavailability of data or systems can result in operational downtime, damaging the company’s reputation and finances (IT downtime costs an average of $5,600 per minute).

Asset Management Examples:

  • Device Discovery and Protection: Identifying network endpoints and assessing them for vulnerabilities allows your team to isolate weak endpoints and enhance security.
  • Vulnerability Management: Asset management can help you detect and address vulnerabilities like unpatched software running on a device.
  • Cloud Security: Data clouds are complex environments that cover a range of services and resources. Asset management includes identifying cloud resources that are vulnerable due to a lack of security in the software or a lack of control over the access points.
  • Incident Report: Often an incident will require further investigation. Asset management will play a role in providing your incident response team with the information it needs to identify the cause and fix the problem.
  • Continuous Policy Enforcement: If a resource violates security policies defined by your team, asset management enables the rapid discovery and remediation of the problem. This includes making sure new devices added to the network match particular device profiles with an active policy.

RAVENii has the expertise to handle the cybersecurity asset management for your organization. We utilize the collective intelligence of experts around the world to protect your environment. If you want our help protecting your network, call today at (844) 317-0944 or click here to fill out our online contact form.


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