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Network Security – Common SIEM Challenges & How to Overcome Them
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Feeling frustrated with your network security or SIEM? If you want to start the next quarter, month or week feeling secure and protected, RAVENii wants to help. We help clients every day who either use a SIEM, but it is not customized to their needs, need a SIEM, or are in general dealing with too many security headaches. 

RAVENii can prepare your organization for cyber threats and help you overcome SIEM challenges.

What are Common Issues Businesses Face When Implementing a SIEM?

Most SIEMs come pre-packaged with a standard install option. Most organizations do not have the time or expertise to fine-tune this new system for their own security requirements. You may be over protecting yourself in some areas, causing unnecessary hoops for employees to jump through, and vulnerable in other areas. 

Additionally, while a SIEM will provide you with a threat alert, it does not tell you how to address it. That is where the expertise of cyber and network security experts like RAVENii come in. We will respond to incidents and analyze your data to prevent future threats, instead of leaving you to sift through the data alone --- false positives and data overload fatigue are a real thing.

How Can Partnering with a Cybersecurity Firm Help?

Not only do our network security and cybersecurity professionals know about SIEMS, they have expertise, experience and data knowledge from working in this space for decades. Continued education is a part of our protocol so we are up-to-date with the latest security threat measures and tactics. 

By partnering with a cybersecurity firm like RAVENii for your network security or SIEM deployment, you can have peace that you will be able to continue to run your business even in the face of data breaches or cyber attacks. When trying to handle everything in-house, sometimes our clients find themselves being caught off guard. We make sure an incident response plan in place in case something should arise. RAVENii realizes this scope of knowledge is outside of what most business owners possess, and that is why we love partnering with entrepreneurs who also value network security for themselves, their business assets and their clients or customers. 

Work with RAVENii

At RAVENii we leverage the collective intelligence of security experts across the globe to provide peace of mind that your business will continue to run efficiently in a secure environment.

Launched in 2014 by experts boasting decades of front-line security experience, RAVENii is your source for cybersecurity solutions. Supporting a wide range of clients including data centers, school districts, public municipalities, non-profit organizations, transportation, utility, manufacturing, financial, and healthcare organizations, RAVENii will monitor your entire IT environment to prevent security breaches, mitigate threats and keep your business running strong. To learn about how RAVENii can help you, or for a cyber security evaluation for your business, contact us online or call us at (844) 317-0944.



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